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Ramat Eshkol, Tama 38 Apts

2 - 6.5 Bed-Rooms

TAMA 38 Project – Yam Suf, Jerusalem

Located on the border of Ramat Eshkol and Sanhedria Murchevet, this TAMA 38 project offers a unique opportunity to upgrade your home in a highly desirable area of Jerusalem.

Available Units:

  • 2-bedroom apartments

  • 4-bedroom apartments

  • 6.5-bedroom apartments

Key Features:

  • Apartment owners will receive two additional rooms, including a secure space and a Sukkah porch for each apartment

  • Built to the highest and most stringent standards

  • The building will be strengthened against earthquakes and have a new, improved exterior

  • Addition of two new stories with beautiful new apartments

  • Includes a modern elevator and a renovated landscaped garden

This is an exceptional opportunity for homeowners and new buyers alike!

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